
Julia Furst Morgado

Global Technologist | Public Speaker

I am Remarkable, and so are You!

On November 9th, I went to a workshop at Google called #IamRemarkable for “Women in Cloud”, facilitated by Gautami Nadkarni and Naomi Klamen.

From KubeCon to my first keynote as a DevRel

Last month I went to Detroit for my first big open source conference — KubeCon.

Automatically Embed Latest Youtube Videos on your Website with JavaScript (step by step)

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make an HTTP request to Youtube with the JavaScript fetch() method to dynamically embed new video on your website as you publish it on youtube.

Tech communities you should join! (online and in person)

Software development is such a challenging field that it’s almost impossible to succeed in it without having some sort of support system.

The difference between encodeURI() and encodeURIComponent()

What is a URI and how is it different from a URL?

17 Mistakes Self-Taught Programmers and Developers Make When Learning to code

I want to start by saying that if you took the initiative to start learning to code, you should pat yourself on the back.

How To Remove The HTML Extension From a URL on Netlify

Recently, I was asked how to get rid of the HTML prefix from a URL on a website hosted on Netlify.