
Julia Furst Morgado

Global Technologist | Public Speaker

How Waiting Tables Set Me Up for Success

I believe everyone should spend some time working in the service industry at some point in their lives.

Balancing a full-time job while learning to code

If you really want something, you’ll find a way.

Filter out the geese (Codewars — 8kyu)

Here’s a link to the Codewars Kata: codewars.

Want To Be a Programmer? Stop Overthinking It.

Which path to take?

6 Ways to Make Sure You’re Using the Right Array Method

Understanding arrays is an important part of coding with JavaScript but array methods are what make JavaScript arrays so powerful.

Converting strings into camelCased strings

While doing my homework, I encountered an exciting exercise.

Anki — Cloze and Image Occlusion Features

First of all, if you’d rather watch a video, go check “Learn to Code with ANKI (flashcards technique)” on Youtube.